Işıl Eğrikavuk, Change Will Be Terrific!, 2012, Performance & Exhibition

Işıl Eğrikavuk’s new work Change Will Be Terrific! was presented as the first project of SPOT Production Fund on September 29th at 6:00 pm. The exhibition follows the performance which was produced with Jozef Erçevik Amado as the art director, and which modeled itself after a talk show format. Change Will Be Terrific! discusses the changes that take place around the Taksim Square in Istanbul. A mix of fictional and real characters are the participants of this talk show, hosted by a well known TV show host. The art work acts as a real media spectacle, while using the language of popular media, and contemplates about the ways in which this popular media mediates daily news to its audience. Simultaneously, the performance concentrates on the process of urban change in the city as well as the cultural politics that are associated with this change, using Taksim Square as a metaphor.

Işıl Eğrikavuk’s practice starts with the writing of a script which becomes the centerpiece of her art works. Because of her other occupation, as a journalist, Eğrikavuk follows the news closely. Her main concern is always storytelling: She is interested in telling the more invisible and human side of this news. As with her other artistic works, in which ordinary events meld with absurd situations, Change Will Be Terrific! tells the semi fictional - semi real stories of the participants of this talk show, which range from the forms of a novel to an architectural project; a rap song to a small business owner’s personal story.

Art director Jozef Amado

Exhibition: September 19 – November 24,
9 am – 5 pm (except for seminar hours)

Opening: September 19, 2012; 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Venue: SPOT Ofice (Setüstü, Kabataş)

Performance: September 29, 2012; 6:00 pm

Venue: SALT Beyoğlu