Burak Ata: Heroes, Bodies and Ruins

curated by: Özkan Cangüven

work by: Burak Ata

Within the history of civilization, how will we remember and describe the era we are living in? Atomic age, oil age, space age, information age, social age, all of these and more? The starting point of this project was an effort to understand and discuss this age in which all things transform rapidly in daily life, everything is pushed to their limits, and we are silenced in the face of plots conducted both
micro and macro.
Umberto Eco opens his Towards a New Middle Ages saying, ‘Nowadays, in a lot of circles, our age is talked about as the new Middle Ages,’ and continues to open up for discussion the dynamics of the pre-Renaissance Middle Ages in detail.
This project takes on where Eco has left off, and invites us to hope for a new ‘Renaissance’ and imagine the enlightenment and rebirth that follow dark times.
The exhibition features new work by Burak Ata whose practice refers to Renaissance art and artisanship, while questioning contemporary painting practices and education, which touches on the past, the present and the future.